Sprint Retrospective (Scrum Element)


A critical part of the agile approach is having an opportunity to reflect on the work performed and to find a way to optimize and improve upon it. The Sprint retrospective provides this opportunity, and should include the full team and stakeholders, and it is usually run by the scrum master. The retrospective is a meeting that should be time-limited, and should occur after one Sprint ends and before the next one starts.

Its purpose is to provide a constructive forum to answer 3 primary questions:

  • What was done well in this Sprint?
  • What wasn’t done well?
  • And, what should we do to improve?

The answer to these questions should then be incorporated into the planning and execution of the next Sprint.

Make sure to download our Sprint Retrospective Meeting Agenda (PDF) as well.

The Agile Brand Guide to Agile Marketing Fundamentals by Greg Kihlström

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Understanding, Planning, and Implementing Scrum for Marketers

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