2 Brand as Idea (Evolution of Brands)


With increasing competition from mass production, mass advertising, and mass media in general, the need for brands to be more than an object came along. At this point, it wasn’t enough to simply have a logo that was recognizable and a product that was available in stores.

Brands now needed to compete for mindshare, or as Will Burns says in his article on Forbes.com, “Branding is what happens to people after they’ve spent time interacting with your company.”

As consumers and marketers have grown more sophisticated, it is not enough to simply be known. Companies and products must stake out a claim on an area of the popular imagination and exist as an “idea.”

These are explored in more depth in The Agile Brand (2018) and The Agile Consumer (2019)


  • The Evolution of Brands
  • Brand as Object (Evolution of Brands)
  • Brand as Idea (Evolution of Brands)
  • Brand as Experience (Evolution of Brands)
  • Brand as Relationship (Evolution of Brands)
  • Brand as Facilitator (Evolution of Brands)

